Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Pune Blast: How safe are we?

The blast which took place on the 13th of Feb in Pune yet again shook the foundations of Indian intelligence and security. The wounds of the Mumbai blasts which had yet not healed were again exacerbated by this seemingly shameless brazen act. This is the second time that foreigners were targeted by the terrorists, which definitely is a cause of concern for us. 

The notion of "Atithi Devo Bhava”, which is strongly imbued into Indian culture and tradition has yet again been shattered by some fanatics. This definitely will have some far-reaching impacts not only on the influx of foreign visitors in the country but also India’s image as a safe haven for tourists.

The valley of Kashmir, which was once the most favored and sought after destination for tourists has already turned into a no man’s land, thanks to the continuous infiltration and military activity going on in the valley. This also should ring alarm bells for the Ministry of Tourism, as it’s their job to ensure that tourists have a comfortable stay in the country.

With the world fast becoming a global village, national boundaries have blurred to promote cultural and knowledge exchange. Incidents like this definitely will prove to be a setback for India in its quest to play a critical and active part in this exchange.

Again, this poses the same commonplace questions i.e how safe are we in our own country? What these people are going to get by shedding innocent blood? Should we accept it that this is going to continue and sit quietly? Is there anything we can do about it?

What makes people commit such heinous crimes? People who commit such offenses in the name of God do not understand that God Himself doesn’t approve of this. Its heart wrenching to imagine what the families of those innocent people who have been killed in these blasts and similar other such blasts must have gone through. 

We cannot allow such things to happen to us. If America can wage a war against terrorism after a single incident, then why can’t we. Given the fact that India is fast becoming a super power, thanks to its hard working and diligent population, is it not the duty of its government to protect us and take stern action against the people responsible. People who have been caught in similar incidents have yet to be punished thanks to the snail-paced Indian judiciary system. What precedent are we going to set if we let this happen?

This calls for action on the part of the Indian government rather than musing over the how, what and when.


  1. Truly written. We Indians have cultivated the wrong habit of not speaking, standing, fighting against any unwanted illegal acts, just learned corruption and changing self according to situation. The only solution to drop this bad habit is REVOLUTION WITH UNITY. Here Revolution doesn't symbolizes to violence in any sense, because peacefully one can turn the world around.

  2. Right. Terrorism in any shape or form is the most dangerous menace besides poverty and unemployment that could bring this nation to its knees. We need to fight this menace come what may. We call ourselves independent but we are not until we break free of the shackles of poverty, unemployment and terrorism.

  3. You know what, we need to change our thinking over time. This is not 1950, this is 2010. There is a difference of 60 years and in 60 years things change, so the way of dealing with things may also change. Now let me come to the point.

    Why are we following a policy which helped us in fighting with our independence about 60 years ago, that is, non-violence. Today, there is a need for some strong actions. If we don't speak, means we agree to what is happening around us.

    According to me, India should also start attacking the places of doubt in Pakistan where we believe are millitant groups active as US is doing these days. US has respect for its citizens' blood that was shed on 9/11. So it's doing right by performing military operations.

    There is a saying in Hindi, that is, "Laton ke bhoot baton se nahi mante." And we should mean it. India should show its power and ability to fight terrorism by speaking the same language which terrorists understand. And that is to attack Pakistan.

    What is the use of living in a country which doesn't even care if few of its citizens are blown up in the air frequently like anything? Any country's first and foremost agenda should be security. Like we do for our family, we fight each and everyday to secure our family. And somebody threatens our family's security, then what do we do? Do we fold our hands and just sit and wait for the next blow?

    No, we don't. The same principle applies on our country leaders as we are their family. We are protesting our anger through old-fashioned methods. We are not acting in the way we should act to match up to the time we are living in, the 21st Century.
